
学术报告:(7.8) 王子栋: A Sampled-Data Approach to Analysing Complex Networks


报告题目: A Sampled-Data Approach to Analysing Complex Networks

报告人: 王子栋教授(英国伦敦Brunel University讲席教授)

报告时间: 202378日(周六)上午10:00-11:00

报告地点: 金融工程中心报告厅(105


报告摘要 :  In this talk, we will address the sampled-data synchronization control problem for a class of general complex networks, and then deal with the sampled-data filtering problems for two special classes of complex networks – wireless sensor networks and genetic regulatory networks. The sampling period considered here is time-varying that is allowed to switch between two different values in a random way. The main purpose is to deliver the message that sampled-data issue is vitally important for the applications of complex network theory and the sampled-data filtering/control problems are interesting yet challenging. Both the theoretical research and engineering applications will be discussed, and a series of recently published results will be reported.


报告人简介:王子栋,现任英国伦敦Brunel University讲席教授,苏州大学讲座教授, 欧洲科学院院士,欧洲科学与艺术院院士,IEEE FellowInternational Journal of Systems Science主编,Neurocomputing主编。多年来从事控制理论、机器学习、生物信息学等方面研究,在SCI刊物上发表国际论文七百余篇。现任或曾任十二种国际刊物的主编、副编辑或编委。曾任旅英华人自动化及计算机协会主席、东华大学国家级领军人才、清华大学国家级专家。
