Title: Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations of Multicellular Aggregate Self-Assembly in Biofabrication

Speaker:Prof Sun, Yi; University of South Carolina

Date: July 27, 2023, Thursday, 10:00-11:00

Venue: 览秀楼205

Abstract: We present a three-dimensional lattice model to study self-assembly and fusion of multicellular aggregate systems by using kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. This model is developed to describe and predict the time evolution of postprinting morphological structure formation during tissue or organ maturation in a novel biofabrication process or technology known as bioprinting. Here we implement the model with an efficient KMC algorithm to simulate the making of a set of tissues/organs in several designer's geometries like a ring, a sheet and a tube, which can involve a large number of cells. We also study the process of cell sorting/migration within the cellular aggregates formed by multiple types of cells with different adhesivities. This talk includes the joint work with Qi Wang.

邀请人: 岳兴业