报告题目:Symbolic dynamics for nonuniformly expanding maps. Ⅰ

报告人  Jerome Buzzi(Universite de Paris-Sud,CNRS研究员)

报告时间 2019年3月12日09:00-10:00

报告地点  精正楼307

报告题目:Symbolic dynamics for nonuniformly expanding maps. ⅠI

报告人  Jerome Buzzi(Universite de Paris-Sud,CNRS研究员)

报告时间 2019年3月12日10:00-11:00

报告地点  精正楼307

报告题目:Subshifts of quasi-finite type, SPR Markov shifts and exponential decay of correlations

报告人  Jerome Buzzi(Universite de Paris-Sud,CNRS研究员)

报告时间 2019年3月12日11:00-12:00

报告地点  精正楼307

报告摘要  The classical subshifts of finite type (SFTs) code uniformly hyperbolic diffeomorphisms. Interval maps have very similar property, though most of them cannot be coded by SFTs. I will introduce subshifts of quasi-finite type (QFTs). They generalize SFTs, code interval maps as well as some natural families of multi-dimensional maps. They naturally give rise to Strongly Positively Recurrent topological Markov shifts which share many of the good properties of SFTs, including a spectral gap and the exponential decay of correlations.