报告人: 程豪 (中国科协创新战略研究院)

报告时间:422日 18:30~19:30
腾讯会议: 329-588-778

题目:Quantile structural equation model and its applications

摘要:In many fields, the relations in traditional structural equation model (T-SEM) can be estimated through certain methods such as partial least square (PLS) and maximum likelihood estimate (MLE). To further investigate the changing relations among latent variables and observed variables at different quantiles, we propose quantile structural equation model (Q-SEM), which has the ability to capture overall view of structure relations and complex associations and highlight the changing relations according to the explored quantile of interest. Both Q-SEM and its estimation algorithm have been applied to two real data examples: Human capital & research and environment sustainable development evaluation.



发表SCICSSCI、中文核心以及《科技日报》《工人日报》《农民日报》《中国科学报》《中国社会科学网》《光明网》等大众传媒共发表文章111篇。部分成果被学习强国和《新华文摘》全文转载。2022年受《经济》杂志专访:《乡村振兴离不开科技和数字化程度的提高  访中国科协创新战略研究院副研究员程豪》,被学习强国全文转载。出版《互联网统计学:方法与应用》《指标关系研究中的数据挖掘与统计学习》《统计分析:以RExcel为分析工具》《Python数据可视化》《预测分析建模:PythonR语言实现》《R统计应用开发实战》等书籍共29部。完成中华人民共和国年鉴社约稿《2022年中国科学技术协会工作综述》。参与国家统计局《中国妇女儿童状况统计资料(2023)》、《中国科技统计年鉴(2023)》等相关工作。执笔或参与执笔专报、调研报告,受重要领导批示。曾获得汇丰杯中国高校SAS数据分析大赛冠军、中国人文社会科学期刊评价推荐专家、科创中国优秀挂点干部、国家奖学金等多项荣誉。
