Title:Model-free Variable Selection via Learning Gradients

Speaker:Prof.Junhui Wang,Department of Mathematics,City University of Hong Kong

Date:2015.5.27(Wednesday)1:30-2:30 PM


Abstract: In recent years, variable selection has attracted enormous attention from statistics community. A wide spectrum of variable selection algorithms have been proposed  based on various model assumption.  In this talk,  we will propose a general model-free variable selection framework. As opposed to existing algorithms, the key advantage of the proposed framework is that it assumes no distributional  model, admits general predictor effects, allows for efficient computation, and attains desirable theoretical properties. The proposed framework is formulated in the form of gradient learning in a re- producing kernel Hilbert  space,  which enjoys the power of and extended representor theorem and thus enables efficient learning of sparse gradients. The proposed framework is implemented via a scalable block coordinate de- scent algorithm.  The advantage is demonstrated in a variety of simulated experiments  as well as real datasets. If time permits, the asymptotic con- sistencies will be discussed.

