报告题目 Title:The Analysis of Biased Time-to-Event Data from Pregnancy Registries

报告人 Speaker:Prof.Ronghui Xu(徐荣辉),Department of Family and Preventive Medicine,Department of Mathematics,University of California, San Diego

报告时间 Time:2015年6月23日(周二)下午2:00-3:00

报告地点 Place: 苏州大学本部精正楼二楼学术报告厅

报告简介 Abstract: We consider pregnancy outcomes such as spontaneous abortion or preterm delivery, in the context of observational studies of drug exposure. These are essentially binary endpoints. However, due to accrual through pregnancy registries, women can enter a study any time during their pregnancy. Not counting for such left truncation leads to bias in the estimated rates. In addition, a substantial portion of the women will not have the events of interest, a portion termed ‘cured‘ in survival analysis. While left truncation is relatively easily dealt with in the Cox proportional hazards regression, with a cured proportion new methodology is needed. We investigate approaches using the exact semiparametric likelihood, an approximate likelihood, and a weighted (complete data) likelihood. Variance estimates are derived with closed-form expressions. Time permitting efficiency consideration will be discussed.