Composite Designs Based on Orthogonal Arrays and Definitive Screening Designs
Title (题目): Composite Designs Based on Orthogonal Arrays and Definitive Screening Designs
Speaker (报告人): Prof.Hongquan Xu, University of California, Los Angeles
Time (时间): 2016-03-23(星期三) 16:00-17:00
Place (地点): 数学楼二楼学术报告厅
Abstract (摘要): Central composite designs are widely used in practice for factor screening and building response surface models. We study two classes of new composite designs. The first class consists of a 2-level factorial design and a 3-level orthogonal array; the second consists of a 2-level factorial and a 3-level definitive screening design. We derive bounds of their efficiencies for estimating all and part of the parameters in a second-order model and obtain some general theoretical results. New composite designs are constructed. They are more efficient than central composite designs and other existing designs.
This is a joint work with Dr. Yongdao Zhou. The paper was just tentatively accepted by JASA.
About the speaker (报告人介绍): Hongquan Xu is Professor and Graduate Vice Chair, Department of Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles.