天元讲堂(12.22) 物联网世界的统计思维
林共进 Dennis K.J. Lin
University Distinguished Professor of Statistics, The Pennsylvania State University
时间:12月22日 10:00-11:00
蒸汽机改变了人类:一边富,一边穷——英国赶上了这一波工业革命则富,中国没赶上则穷。这一回DT(Data Technology)来了,您赶上了没?本文探讨后大数据时代(所谓物联网世界)该具备的统计思维。打开您心灵的窗,让我们一起来探讨这个美丽新世界。
所谓大数据,沸沸扬扬也讨论了许多年。一般而言,我们把大数据归于4个V:Volume(量),Velocity(速),Variety(多样)和Veracity(真实)。值得一提的是大数据只有“大”,但它未必完整、正确甚至真实。所以有人把第4个V称为Value(价值),那是不可取的。这里我们主要注重于两个方向:(1)探索有意义的问题(Do something matter)和(2)为未定义的问题提供结构性方向(Structure for poorly defined problems)。
后大数据时代,我们将如何应对。以目前的发展,物联网(Internet of Things)已逐渐成熟,将来可成为大数据后的另一波主流。所谓物联网指的是基于互联网跟所有能够被独立寻址的普通物理对象实现互联互通的网路。也就是在虚拟网路联络上实际的客观事物。基本上这是一个结合了快(too fast),大(too large)和复杂(too complicate)的互联世界,架构在互联网技术已成熟后将它用在客观事物的成品。当这类数据出现在我们四周,如何思考问题,了解别人如何思考,自己如何逆向思考都变成了当务之急。此时最需要的便是统计方法,如何在海量数据中梳理出个头绪来。统计作为一个数据科学,应该扮演什么的角色呢?本文提供一些方向仅供参考,期勉同仁们多加思考,多加努力。
Dr. Dennis K. J. Lin is a university distinguished professor of supply chain and statistics at Penn State University. His research interests are quality assurance, industrial statistics, data mining, and response surface. He has published more than 200 SCI/SSCI papers in a wide variety of journals. He currently serves or has served as associate editor for more than 10 professional journals. Dr. Lin is an elected fellow of ASA, IMS and ASQ, an elected member of ISI, a lifetime member of ICSA, and a fellow of RSS. He is an honorary chair professor for various universities, including Renmin University of China (as a Chang-Jiang Scholar), Fudan University, University of Hong Kong, and National Chengchi University (Taiwan). His recent awards including, the recipient of the 2004 Faculty Scholar Medal Award (Penn State), the Youden Address (ASQ, 2010), the Shewell Award (ASQ, 2010), the Don Owen Award (ASA, 2011), the Loutit Address (SSC, 2011), the Hunter Award (ASQ, 2014), the Shewhart Medal (ASQ, 2015), and the SPES Award (ASA, 2016).