Speaker: Wang Xiao-Ping, Chair Professor, 冯康奖获得者, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Date: 2016/12/27 Tuesday 4:00-5:00PM 

Venue: 数学楼二楼学术报告厅 

Abstract: The threshold dynamics method developed by Merriman, Bence and Osher(MBO) is an efficent method for 
simulating the motion by mean curvature flow when the interface is away from the solid boundary. Direct generalization
of the MBO type method to the wetting problems with interface intersecting the solid boundary is not easy because 
solving heat equation on general domain with wetting boundary condition is not as efficient as that for the 
original MBO method. The dynamics of the contact point also follows a different dynamic law compared to interface 
dynamics away from the boundary. We develop an efficient volume preserving threshold dynamics (MBO) method 
for drop spreading on rough surfaces. The method is based on minimization of the weighted surface area functional 
over a extended domain that includes the solid phase. The method is simple, stable with the complexity 
O(N log N) per time step and it is not sensitive to the inhomogeneity or roughness of the solid boundary. We 
also extend the idea to an efficient method for image segmentation.