报告人:Prof. Ying Miao (缪莹),日本筑波大学(UniversityofTsukuba)
报告摘要: In order to protect copyrighted digital information, digital fingerprinting was introduced to trace the sources of pirate copies, thereby discouraging attempts at collusion attacks for unauthorized redistribution of the information. Various fingerprinting schemes have been proposed since the late 1990s. In this talk, we survey some new progress made by our lab afterBlackburn's survey paper in 2003, again emphasizing the underlying combinatorics involved. It can be seen that many parts of combinatorics, such as design theory, graph theory, coding theory, extremal combinatorics, and finite geometry, are essential in the investigation of fingerprinting schemes.
报告人简介:缪莹教授1997年博士毕业于日本广岛大学,现任日本筑波大学社会工学系教授。2001年被国际数学组织ICA(The Institute of Combinatorics and its Applications)授予Kirkman奖章。缪莹教授在组合设计及编码密码学等领域连续取得了多项重要成果并解决了多个长期未决的猜想和公开问题,迄今已在诸如《J. Combin.Theory Ser. A》,《SIAM J. Discrete Math.》,《IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory》等国际著名刊物上发表了近70篇论文。现为国际著名数学SCI刊物《J. Combin. Des.》,《Graphs Combin.》的编委。