Title: A Short Course on the Hierarchical Modeling Technique (10 hours)

Speaker: Prof HUANG, Jingfang; University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Date: May 11, 6:30-8:30PM

May 17, 2:00-5:00PM


Venue: 览秀楼205

Abstract: The hierarchical modeling technique is defined as thefollowing steps to study a given system or dataset. It first identifiesany low-rank, or low-dimensional, or other compact features using appropriate and mathematically rigorousdefinitions. The compressed representations are then recursively collected fromchildren to parents, and transmitted between different nodes on a hierarchical tree structure using properlycompressed translation operators. In its numerical implementation, the hierarchical models are oftenre-expressed as recursivealgorithms, which can be easily interfaced with existing dynamical scheduling tools from HPC community for optimalparallel efficiency. In this short course, we will study the fundamentals ofthe hierarchical modeling technique, and provide several case studies todemonstrate its applications in different fields.