天元讲堂(6.4)Graded simple Lie algebras and graded simple representations
报告题目:Graded simple Lie algebras and graded simple representations
报告人:Kaiming Zhao (Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Canada)
Abstract:Let Q be an abelian group and K a field. We obtain that any Q-graded simple Lie algebra G over K is isomorphic to a loop algebra in case K has a primitive root of unity of order |Q|, if Q is finite, or K is algebraically closed and dim G< |K|.
For Q-graded simple modules over any Q-graded Lie algebra G, we obtain that any Q-graded simple module over Q-graded Lie algebra G is isomorphic to a loop module in case K has a primitive root of unity of order |Q|, if Q is finite, or K is algebraically closed and dim G < |K |.