Title (题目): Spatial population models as point pattern dynamics
Speaker (报告人):  TAKASU Fugo(Nara Women's University, Dept. Information & Computer Science)
Time (时间): 2017-6-13 (星期二) 15:00-16:00
Place (地点): 维格堂 119
Abstract (摘要): Conventional spatial models use "reaction diffusion model" given as PDE or "compartment models" as a coupled ODEs. These dynamical systems are mathematically tractable to a certain degree at the expense of the realism that a population is a collection of a certain number of individuals where individuals are unit that cannot be divided anymore. Another approach is to construct a stochastic process where population size is a discrete random variable. This approach is naturally extended to "point pattern dynamics" where a point pattern as a collection of points in a certain space changes stochastically. I introduce how conventional PDE and ODE models can be extended to point pattern dynamics and discuss how this point pattern dynamics can be mathematically described.