报告人: Yi Lin (Georgia Southern University)

时间和地点: 6月29日下午 2:00 - 3:00, 维格堂 319

报告题目:Convexity properties of moment maps in transversely symplectic geometry
摘要: The convexity and Morse-theoretic properties of moment maps in
symplectic geometry generally fail for transversely symplectic
manifolds. In this talk, we discuss a technical condition on group
actions which prevents these failures. This in particular leads to a
foliated version of the Atiyah-Guillemin-Sternberg-Kirwan convexity
theorem, which applies for instance to Hamiltonian group actions on
symplectic orbifolds, contact manifolds, and co-symplectic manifolds.
This talk is based on a recent joint work with R. Sjamaar.