Title: An Immersed BoundaryMethod for Mass Transfer Across Permeable Inter-Faces
Speaker: Prof Huang, Huaxiong
York University and Fields Institute, Toronto,Canada
Date: July 10, Monday, 4:30-5:30PM
Venue: 览秀楼205
Abstract: In this talk, we present an immersed boundary method formass transfer across permeable deformable moving interfaces interacting withthe surrounding fluids [1, 2]. One of the key features of our method is theintroduction of the mass flux as an independent variable, governed by anon-standard vector transport equation. The flux equation, coupled with themass transport and the fluid ow equations, allows for a natural implementationof an immersed boundary algorithm when the flux across the interfaces isproportional to the jump in concentration. As an example, the oxygen transferfrom red blood cells in a capillary vessel is used to illustrate theapplicability of the proposed method. We show that our method is capable ofhandling multi-physics problems involving fluid-structure interaction withmultiple deformable moving interfaces and (interfacial) mass transfersimultaneously. If time permits, extension of the current method will bediscussed.
[1] Huang, H., Sugiyama, K. and Takagi, S., An Immersed Boundary Method for Restricted Diffusion withPermeable Interfaces, Journal of ComputationalPhysics, 228, 5317-5322 (2009).