报告题目:Reflectedsolutions of BSDEs driven by G-Brownian motion
报告人:山东大学 彭实戈院士
报告摘要:In this talkwe present our recent results of existence, uniqueness ,comparison theorem ofreflected backward stochastic differential equations (RBSDE) driven by anonlinear G-Brownian motion.in order to obtain the uniqueness of this RBSDE weintroduced a new martingale condition to replace the well-known classicalSkorohod condition. This result is applied to represent the solution of freeboundary problem of fully nonlinear partial differential differential equationsof parabolic and/or elliptic types. It also provides a new and importantapproach to numerically calculate the optimal stopping problem under volatilityuncertainty for option pricing.
报告题目:Optimalityproblems in non-life and life insurance: a short review and some recentprogress
报告人:南开大学 郭军义教授
报告摘要:In this talk,a brief review will be given for the optimal control of reinsurance, investmentand dividend for risk models with various objectives. Some recent results onoptimal reinsurance and optimal dividends will be presented, while those foroptimal life insurance purchase will also be given.
报告题目:CompositeBernstein Copula
报告人:北京大学 杨静平教授
报告摘要:Copulafunction has been widely used in insurance and finance for modelinginter-dependency between risks. Inspired by the Bernstein copula (BC) putforward by Sancetta and Satchell (2004), we introduce a new class ofmultivariate copulas, the composite Bernstein copula (CBC), generated from acomposition of two copulas. This new class of copula functions is able tocapture tail dependence, and it has a reproduction property for the threeimportant dependency structures: comonotonicity, countermonotonicity andindependence. We introduce an estimation procedure based on the empiricalcomposite Bernstein copula (ECBC) which incorporates both prior information anddata into the estimation. Simulation studies and an empirical study on financialdata illustrate the advantages of the ECBC estimation method, especially incapturing tail dependence. This is a joint work with Zhijin Chen, Fang Wang andRuodu Wang.
苏州大学金融工程研究中心和威尼斯人 学术报告
报告人:中山大学 李仲飞教授
——基于大数据的小微企业信用风险评估体系的建立: 创新理论与实践的结合
报告人:苏州大学&同济大学风险管理研究所 袁先智教授
基于企业全息画像框架下的公司商务行为的基因(DNA)刻画, 金融网络结构的KPI赋予的金融信息, 以及对应的“中心点, 桥梁点, 码头点”等核心概念,我将和大家分享如何利用线上和线下信息对小微企业进行有效的信用评级,从而全面解决困扰全球金融界对无抵押、 无担保情况下金融机构对小微企业进行贷款前, 中和后面动态分析管理的业界问题, 希望这能为全面解决小微金融融资难带来革命性的变化。
本文的特别创新在于我们是我们首次以企业的全信息画像工具作为出发点并结合现代随机共振理论工具,利用小微企业商务行为网络结构中的投资关联方这个概念来描述在什么情况下基于投资关联方的规模程度可以催生小微企业在周而复始的创新技术与金融资本间的相互转换过程中催生出共振现象,从而引发出小微创新企业健康发展的正面动力。因此,我们基于小微企业商务行为网络结构图中的投资关联方结构建立的描述公司如何在金融资本的参与下来催生公司在发展中与“技术“产生共震的动力学演化模型可以用来评估小微创新企业(发展)“好”与(发展)“不好”。这个基于随机共振原理的动力学演化模型也提供了建立基于小微企业大数据框架下建立有效的全面和动态的现代信用评估体系的工具,我们的新成果为实现普惠金融打下坚实的基础性理论工作。特别地,通过引进“衡量企业技术与资本的相互转换协同状态”的企业发展协同量, 我们成功地刻画了小微创新企业在发展中呈现的“U形现象”, 这对为小微企业建立信用评级一般性框架起到核心的基础理论作用。
报告人:中金所 韩兴博士
报告题目:Ambiguity andasset pricing
报告人:清华大学 张丽宏教授
报告摘要:In this talk,I will give a literature review on the topic of ambiguity, model uncertaintyand robust control and incorporate some of my recent research results intorelated literature. First , I will clearly identify the “risk” and “ambiguity”in finance,and second I will focus on some papers which are the most cited inthis field , and in the meantime I will give some of my research work on theseissues.