Speaker: Weiqing Ren, National Universityof Singapore


Time:3:00-4:00PM, Jan 12,2018




Abstract: The dynamics of complex systems is often driven by rare but importantevents. Well-known examples include nucleation events duringphase transition, conformational changes of bio-molecules, dislocationdynamics in crystalline solids, etc. The long time scale associated withthese rare events is a consequence of the disparity between the effectivethermal energy and typical energy barrier of the systems. The dynamics proceedsby long waiting periods around metastable states followed by suddenjumps from one state to another. In this talk, I will discussnumerical methods for the study of such rare events, and present someapplications including transitions in Kuroshio, the wetting transition onpatterned solid surface, and conformational changes of bio-molecules.