报告人 周麒教授 (南京大学数学系)
地点:维格堂 113
2018.4.13—6.1 每周五晚 18:00-21:00(5.11暂停一次)
Thestudy of 1D discrete quasiperiodic Schrodinger equation lies acrossmathematical physics, spectral theory, and dynamical systems. It models themotion of a quantum particle in a disordered medium. The evolution of motion isstudied via the spectral theory of the Schrodinger operator. In thisseries of lectures, we will introduce the basic results of the quasiperiodicSchrodinger operators, and show how to study the spectral theory of theoperator via methods from dynamical systems, the highlight is Avila’s Fieldsmedal work: global theory of one-frequency quasiperiodic cocycles and itsspectral applications. We will pay more emphasize on the almost reducibilitytheory of quasiperiodic cocycles, and its various spectral applications.
2.Baby spectral theory
3.Introduction to Schrodinger operator
4.Dynamical approach to Schrodinger operator
5.Reducibility of quasiperiodic cocycle (1)
6.Reducibility of quasiperiodic cocycle (2)
7.Applications to the reducibility theory