• 天元讲堂:江苏省品牌专业(数学与应用数学)系列讲座

·        题目《拟周期薛定谔算子》 

·                第一讲  背景及准备知识

·        演讲人:周麒教授 (南京大学数学系)

·        时间:2018.4.13(周五)晚 18:00-21:00

·        地点:苏州大学本部维格堂113教室

·        欢迎参加!


The study of 1Ddiscrete quasiperiodic Schrodinger equation lies across mathematical physics,spectral theory, and dynamical systems. It models the motion of a quantumparticle in a disordered medium. The evolution of motion is studied via thespectral theory of the Schrodinger operator. In this series of lectures,we will introduce the basic results of the quasiperiodic Schrodinger operators,and show how to study the spectral theory of the operator via methods fromdynamical systems, the highlight is Avila’s Fields medal work: global theory ofone-frequency quasiperiodic cocycles and its spectral applications. We will paymore emphasize on the almost reducibility theory of quasiperiodic cocycles, andits various spectral applications.