报告题目:Counting simple geodesics on surfaces
报告人:Greg McShane (Universite Grenoble Alpes)
报告提要:I will discuss the work of Mirzakhani, Rivin, myself and others on counting
simple geodesics and applications to integration over moduli space.
报告题目:McShane-type identities for quasifuchsian representations of nonorientable
报告人:Yi Huang (清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心)
报告提要: We adapt Bers' double uniformization for nonorientable surfaces and show
that the space QF(N) of quasifuchsian representations for a nonorientable surface N is the
Teichmueller space T (dN) of an orientable double of N. We then utilize the inherited complex
structure of QF(N) = T(dN) to show that Norbury's McShane identities for nonorientable
cusped hyperbolic surfaces N generalizes to quasifuchsian representations and punctured torus bundles for N.
报告题目:Growth of the Weil--Petersson inradius of moduli space
报告人:吴云辉 (清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心)
报告提要:In this paper we study the systole function along Weil--Petersson geodesics.
We show that the square root of the systole function is uniformly Lipschitz on Teichmuller
space endowed with the Weil--Petersson metric. As an application, we study the growth of the Weil--Petersson inradius of moduli space of Riemann surfaces of genus g with n punctures as a function of g and n. We show that the Weil--Petersson inradius is comparable to p ln g with respect to g, and is comparable to 1 with respect to n. Moreover, we also study the asymptotic behavior, as g goes to infinity, of the Weil--Petersson volumes of geodesic balls of finite radii in Teichmuller space. We show that they behave like o(1/g^{(3-ε)g}) as g goes to infinity, where ε > 0 is arbitrary.
报告题目:The monodromy of meromorphic projective structures
报告人:Dylan G.L. Allegretti (University of Sheffield)
报告提要:A projective structure on an oriented surface S is an atlas of charts mapping
open subsets of S into the Riemann sphere. There is a natural map from the space of projective structures to the PGL(2; C) character variety of S which sends a projective structure
to its monodromy representation. In this talk, I will describe a meromorphic analog of this
construction. I will introduce a moduli space parametrizing projective structures with poles at
a discrete set of points. I will explain how, in this setting, the object parametrizing monodromy
data is a type of cluster variety. This is joint work with Tom Bridgeland.
报告题目:Quantum traces for Fock--Goncharov coordinates
报告人:Daniel Charles Douglas (University of Southern California)
报告提要:We describe work-in-progress generalizing the SL_2 quantum trace map of Bonahon and Wong (2010) to the case of SL_n. The SL_2 quantum trace is a homomorphism from the Kauffman bracket skein algebra of a punctured surface to a certain noncommutative algebra which can be thought of as a quantum Teichmuller space. The construction is modeled on the classical trace of monodromies of hyperbolic structures on surfaces. Our current work focuses on SL_3, where convex projective structures play the central role, as developed by Fock and Goncharov. Another distinction is the appearance of the HOMFLY-PT skein algebra in place of the Kauffman bracket skein algebra.
报告题目:Generalized McShane's identities on strictly convex projective structure
and beyond
报告人:孙哲 (清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心)
报告提要: Goncharov and Shen introduced a Landau--Ginzberg potential on the Fock--Goncharov A_{G;S} moduli space, where G is a semisimple Lie group and S is a ciliated surface.
They used the potential to formulate a mirror symmetry via Geometric Satake Correspondence. This potential is the Markoff equation for A_{PSL(2;R); S_{1;1}}. When S = S_{g;m}, such a potential can be written as a sum of rank(G)*m partial potentials. We obtain a family of generalized McShane's identities by splitting these partial potentials for A_{PSL(n;R); S_{g;m}}. We also find some interesting new phenomena in higher rank case, like triple ratio is bounded in mapping class group orbit. As applications, we find a generalized collar lemma which involves λ_1 / λ_2 length spectral, discreteness of that spectral etc. In further research, we would like to ask: how can we integrate to obtain the generalized Mirzakhani's topological recursion with W_n constraint? (Joint work with Yi Huang).