Title: On modular invariants of vectors and covectors


时间:5月9日 15:30


Abstract: Invariant theory is a classical topic related to commutative algebra,algebraic geometry, representation theory, fields and Galois theory, etc. Modularinvariant theory of finite groups is mainly concerned with the algebraic structureof an invariant ring F[W]^{G} for a given finite group G and a modularrepresentation W over a field F, where the characteristic of F divides the orderof G.In this talk, after giving a quick introduction to nonmodular invariant theory offinite groups, we focus on the modular invariant theory of vectors and covectorswhich has provided many counterexamples to demonstrate that almost allbeautiful results in nonmodular cases failed to hold in the modular cases. We alsopresent some interesting questions appeared in modular invariant theory lately.