报告题目: Reeb dynamics on contact three manifold with exactly two periodic orbits
报告摘要:In this talk I will present a complete characterization of Reeb flows on closed 3-manifolds with precisely
two periodic orbits. The main step consists in showing that a contact form with exactly two periodic Reeb orbits is non-degenerate and the two orbits are irrationally elliptic. Our results are important ingredients in the recently proof of
$C^2$-stability conjecture for Riemannian geodesic flows of closed surfaces by Contreras and Mazzucchelli,
and the proof of the $C^\infty$ generic existence of positive topological entropy for Reeb flows on closed 3-manifolds by Colin, Dehornoy, Hryniewicz and Rechtman. I will give some explanations how our results can
be applied to their proofs. This talk is based on my joint work with Cristofaro-Gardiner, Hryniewicz and Hutchings .