报告人:  鹏 (福建师范大学)




报告摘要:The Willmore conjecture states that the Clifford torus minimizes uniquely the Willmore energy \int (H^2+1) dM among all tori in S^3, which is solved by Marques and Neves in 2012. An important basis of their proof is Urbano Theorem. In this talk we will show the following Urbano type theorem: for a minimal torus in S^4, its Morse Index >=6, with equality holding iff it is the Clifford torus.For higher genus surfaces, it was conjectured by Kusner that the Lawson minimal surface, \xi_{m,1}: M-->S^3,  minimizes uniquely among all genus m surfaces in S^n. In this talk, we will also show that this conjecture holds under the assumption that the (conformal) surfaces in S^n have the same conformal structure as \xi_{m,1}. This is based on joint works with Prof. Kusner.


报告人简介:王鹏,福建师范大学数学与统计学院教授,闽江学者特聘教授,博士生导师;研究方向为Willmore曲面和极小曲面;主持面上项目2项,青年基金1项;在JDGAdv. Math.Pacific J. Math.BLMSTohoku Math. J.PAMS等期刊上发表学术论文20多篇。

