短课程题目: Integrability and rigidity for convex billiard
报告人: Professor Vadim Kaloshin (University of Maryland & IST Austria)
2022/12/22 17:00-18:30
2022/12/23 17:00-18:30
2022/12/26 17:00-18:30
2022/12/28 17:00-18:30
腾讯会议号: 879384188
报告摘要: The main topic of the minicourse is dynamics of Bikhoff billiards or billiards in convex bounded regions.
Motivated by the famous question Can you hear the shape of a drum? We shall discuss several notions of
deformational spectral rigidity for convex billiards. It turns out that techniques to study these notions are also
applicable to perturbative Birkhoff Conjecture about integrable billiards.